

I am an Android engineer with a passion for software development. Believing that anything worth doing is going to be difficult. I'm not afraid to step out of my comfort zone. On the contrary, I like to challenge myself to try new things and learn new technologies. I believe this personality can lead to a lot of personal growth.

我是一名對軟體技術抱有熱忱的工程師,不怕跳脫舒適圈,喜歡挑戰自己。擁有 App 上架、 MVVM 架構設計、Restful API 串接,以及與前端/後端/PM 合作的經驗。歡迎諮詢 :D

Leon Wang的服務

Android App 開發
0 (0)
小時計價 TWD 250
Android App bug & issue 修正服務
0 (0)
小時計價 TWD 250